Beyond the Elf's Eyes: Exploring the Depth of Afonya_July's Art

We had a chat with AFONYA_JULY, a Russian artist whose main character is an elf with big eyes. We wanted to delve deeper into July's story and found that, despite facing the challenges of multiple sclerosis, July's journey is one of resilience and creativity.

Beyond the Elf's Eyes: Exploring the Depth of Afonya_July's Art

This time, we had a chat with AFONYA_JULY, a Russian artist whose main character is an elf with big eyes. The charming exterior of this character intrigued us, and we wanted to delve deeper into July's story. We found that, despite facing the challenges of multiple sclerosis, July's journey is one of resilience and creativity.

So, we started by asking her about her early experiences with art.

I think I was born with a pencil in my hand. I've been drawing for as long as I can remember. When I was 6 years old, my parents put me in art school. I was only there for six months. My teacher was a nice girl, but after six months, she was replaced by a grumpy old man. I didn't want to go to his classes, so I dropped out of art school.

What made you decide to leave art school? Do you recall what specifically led to that decision? Also, considering your experience, do you think some children might give up on art entirely? If so, do you believe it’s more about lacking passion or encountering discouragement? Can passion truly fade away, or does its disappearance suggest it wasn’t genuine?

He was so grumpy. I saw how he treated the senior class. He scolded everyone if they didn't do well. I didn't want him to scold me if I didn't do well, so to avoid that, I dropped out of art school. I was 6 years old. It's so stupid. But I haven't stopped painting. I drew pictures from children's books, and that's how I improved my artistic skills. As my skills got better, I started drawing some of my own fictional subjects and making up my own characters. I remember my mom used to buy me different art books that showed me how to draw people, birds, and horses. I learned to draw from those books. And then I got the Internet. I started watching video lessons on drawing, communicating with other people, and learning new things from them.

A supercute snail drawn by a 6yo July.

It's hard to speak for other kids, as I don't remember much about that time. However, I'm certain that among those children, there were some who didn't choose to attend art school willingly. For instance, their parents may have forced them. And if you put a mean, nagging teacher on top of that, there would be a hatred for drawing. I can tell you about myself. Alongside my passion for drawing, music has also played a significant role in my life. As I grew older, I attended music school to learn to play the guitar. There, I encountered a very strict and demanding teacher. After every lesson I cried. I couldn't do it. I was hurt, sad, upset. Despite this, I persevered. In addition to school lessons, I dedicated three hours every day to self-study at home. I wanted so badly to learn to play the guitar well! So, I think if you have true passion, if you have a strong stubborn character, nothing can stop you. 

Looking at your nft galleries we can see your main subject is an elf character with big eyes. When you started with it? 

The first time characters with big eyes appeared was probably when I was 17 years old. They didn't look so cute then. I don't remember very well what I was drawing about at the time, and I don't recall if I associated myself with those characters. I also tried drawing in different styles, with different materials. There was no particular theme at the time. It was a way of learning and finding myself, my style. If I'm not mistaken, I drew this from 2014 to 2017. During that time, I was in college studying fashion design.

What did you do after finishing school? Did you pursue a job in the arts field?

My first profession was as a fashion designer. After graduation, I worked for one year in an atelier. I made clothes for people to order. It was the most difficult time for me. I had to communicate with different people every day. And I'm an introvert. I was very tired at work and I hardly painted at all.

In discussing the potential integration of web3 into her fashion design aspirations, we explored July's professional journey. She shared that her parents, recognizing her struggles in the atelier, urged her to seek a different path. Consequently, she embarked on a journey through medical school, following a family tradition rooted in dentistry. However, her inner longing for creative expression led her to pursue fashion design after completing her studies. Looking back, July described this chapter of her life as feeling distant, almost like a bygone era. Currently, she works as a dental technician, “the perfect job for an introvert”, she said.

What was your family's attitude towards your passion for art?

My parents love me. My mom has always supported me in everything. It was she who noticed my love for drawing and took me to art school. Later, my mom supported me when I wanted to learn to play the guitar, and when it came to choosing a college, she backed my decision. Dad doesn't share my love for art, and he insisted I go to medical school. That's all I have to say 😅 😁 Dad was against it, but Mom and I were able to change his mind.
After medical school, I began working. I worked as a dental technician for almost a year. I lived in a big city. In my free time, I painted and attended various masterclasses on painting with acrylics or other materials. I had many creative friends: artists, photographers, musicians. My artist friends and I often visited different museums, exhibitions, and galleries. It was the most intense and enjoyable time. Then, in the winter of 2022, I started experiencing health problems.

Oh my, so the discovery of sclerosis is a recent thing!

Yes. On June 10, 2022, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. And I thought my life was over. I stopped painting. Do you know anything about MS? I don't know how to talk about what's been happening to me. I've had several relapses. And each one brought on new and unpleasant symptoms. For example, for a month, I had double vision. For example, I'd look at my hands and I'd see four hands instead of two. And it was like that in everything around me. I also had paresis of half my face. I couldn't close my left eye or the left side of my mouth properly. This made it difficult for me to eat. And my left ear stopped hearing. It was horrible. Besides this constant headaches, dizziness, weakness, problems with vestibular apparatus, trembling in hands, numbness of hands and feet. It's hard to paint in this condition. When the body recovered and all these symptoms disappeared, psychological problems began. Depression, anxiety, denial of the disease. It was hard for me to accept that this disease is not curable and my life will not be the same. I don't remember the context of the situation exactly. But one day my sister said to me: "Draw your illness, you haven't drawn anything for a long time". After that, I started drawing again. I drew myself, my illness, my feelings, my emotional state. Now I can say that this character with big eyes completely reflects me. I decided to draw every symptom I experienced. The collection is not finished. But these three paintings helped me accept the disease.

As our conversation continued, we delved into the deeper meanings behind her drawings and briefly touched on some personal aspects related to her illness. However, we opted not to delve into details, respecting her privacy. Shifting gears, we discussed her discovery of the NFT world, which has had a profound impact on her journey.

“It really helped me improve my mental state. Art is like art therapy for me. Every drawing is an outpouring of emotion. With the three paintings I showed you, it all started.” 

I'm curious about your creative process in both traditional art and NFT creation. Do you incorporate any AI assistance, or do you primarily work by hand? Additionally, could you share more about the tools and techniques you use?

I draw on paper using a simple pencil, acrylic, ink, watercolor pencils, and gold leaf. I decided to create NFTs to keep my mind occupied. I needed to find something to do that would take my mind off my illness. So I decided to figure out how to create NFTs. I draw with traditional materials on paper, and then I scan my artwork.

A sketch of a tree in the clouds from AFONYA_JULY collection on Tezos chain

Do you encounter misinterpretations of your art, especially given its cute style, and how do you handle such instances?

I don't mind other people seeing something of themselves in my paintings; it adds an interesting layer. I try to remain calm about how my art is perceived, understanding that it can hold different meanings for different individuals. And that's okay. It's cool when people share it. I'm always interested to know how other people see and perceive my art.
What really bothers me are some comments on social media that can be disheartening. If I made a post about art, let's talk about art. What it's associated with. What it makes you think about. What emotions it evokes. Anything about art and personal experiences. I'm always happy when people share it. But it frustrates and perplexes me when I make a post with a specific question. Like, what materials do you use to create your art? And the comments say to me: good morning, friend. I wish you a good day! Um... What's that for? Why do that? 

As our conversation brims with jokes and light-hearted chats, where we delved into personal anecdotes and shared interests, time literally flew and we've reached the end of the interview.

Is there anything else you'd like to share? Any additional thoughts or insights about your life, perspectives, ambitions, or dreams?

As for me, I dream of having my own workshop with big windows, where I can paint on large canvases. Unfortunately, there is currently no space in my house to accommodate such setups. As for ambition... I don't know. I simply love art; it's everywhere. I believe art is another way to communicate, it is one of the most authentic ways to convey feelings, emotions, and information. Through our creations, future generations will understand how we lived and what we thought.

In conclusion, it's been really nice diving into AFONYA_JULY's world, learning about her art and the strength she brings to it. From the start of her beloved elf character to her constant dedication despite challenges, her story is truly inspiring. Thanks for sharing your insights and experiences with us. We can't wait to see where your art takes you next!